Support to other Libraries

Royal Institute of Management – Bhutan
Innovative Group of Institution – Greater Noida
Takshila Business School – Greater Noida
Gwalior Glory School – Gwalior
Little Angels High School – Gwalior
Shri Ram Group of Colleges – Gwalior
Advance College – Gwalior
DJ College of Pharmacy – Modinagar, Ghaziabad
Varisht Nagrik Library – Greater Noida
India Policy Foundation Library – Delhi
Varishtha Nagrik Samaj – Greater Noida
We all have a common desire to come together and share the joys and grief of each other. Motivated by this sprit a society was founded in the year 2006 and got registered on 19th July 2007 under society Registration Act. 1860 with Registrar of Societies, Govt. of NCT of Delhi with name of society “Varishtha Nagrik Samaj”. The society (Varishtha Nagrik samaj) is a non – profit, non – political and secular organization in nature. Its Registered Office is in New Delhi and working office in Greater Noida. Shri H.C. Gupta, General Secretary of the organization came to know through local newspapers about RSSLWD endeavors regarding development of the libraries he immediately came and urged to Dr. Rishi for automation on 02nd September, 2013. Society has accepted his request and RSSWLD Team members Mr. Subhash, Mr. Naqi and Ms. Tanu have done a remarkable job for them.
Library Automation of Indian Policy Foundation (IPF), New DELHI
The India Policy Foundation (IPF) is a non-profit Think Tank dedicated to exploring constructive solutions to contemporary problems through its intellectual pursuits. It is a platform for eminent personalities of all walks of life to come together, discuss and debate, paving the way for a consensus on public policies in line with India’s rich philosophical content and intellectual legacies. Established in 2008, the Foundation has been engaged in research, publications, and conducting of seminars, brainstorming sessions, symposia, and panel discussions to collect voice and mind for India in regional and global pursuits. IPF officials visited BIMTECH library and urged to Dr. Rishi Tiwari, Secretary RSSWLD to extend their best possible help in IPF library automation. Dedicated team members of RSSWLD did their best job and handed over the fully digital library to IPF. RSSLWD team has also provided skill training for the IPF team members.