BIMTECH Vidhya Kendra
It is an inclusive project initiated by Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH) in collaboration with NMRC. The project is implemented by CSR arms of BIMTECH, i.e. BIMTECH Foundation and Ranaganathan Society of Social Welfare and Library Development (RSSWLD). This project is first of its kind in India which was conceived with an objective to achieve inclusive and quality education for all and to provide equal access to affordable vocational training eliminating gender and wealth disparities and to facilitate universal access to quality digital literacy. This project provides a facility of a library, centre of Digital Literacy, basic literacy opportunities and remedial classes at one place.
Project Conception
Following the footsteps of Birla legacy towards the promotion of education and keeping in mind the fourth agenda i.e. “Quality Education” suggested by UNDP for sustainable goals to be achieved by 2030, Bimtech decided to expand its outreach activities in the field of education. With an objective to achieve inclusive and quality education for all and to provide equal access to affordable vocational training eliminating gender and wealth disparities and to facilitate universal access to quality digital literacy.
One of the important mode of surface transport is railways. Indian railways holds the distinction of being the largest network in the world as well as being the largest employer in India. Metro Rail Transport is the next generation mode providing intra-city commute efficiently reducing load on road infrastructure. The Noida Metro Rail Corporation (NMRC) has started its services on Aqua-Line connecting Greater Noida -Noida with Delhi NCR. The extended network was opened on 25th January 2019.
The Pari Chowk is an important metro station on Aqua Line, located in Greater Noida While the station was coming up, the idea conceived to develop a place under the station to serve as a comprehensive community service center which will focus on the betterment of the marginalised society. The idea was discussed with the team and after the approval from the competent authority, the Noida Metro Railway Corporation authorities were contacted. After a series of meetings, the land was finally allotted to BIMTECH on 01 May 2019.
Expected Outcome
Basically the project focused on to identify and address potential institutional and systemic barriers that prevent children and adults of nearby community to become literate. Team of the project tried to develop and implement specific outreach activity performance measures to provide literacy services to the people who are in dire need of. It also focused on:
- To provide Basic Literacy Services for needy populace
- Provide library services to the nearby community and commuters of Metro
- Providing the remedial classes to the children of the nearby community
- Provide dispensary services
- Initiate Digital Literacy Classes
- Act as a Source to provide information to job seekers
- Act as a centre to disseminate information about Government policies and Plans.
BVK was formally inaugurated by Sh Alok Tandon, IAS, Managing Director, Noida Metro Rail Corporation (NMRC) at Pari Chowk Metro Station, Greater Noida on 17 August. Dr Harivansh Chaturvedi, Director BIMTECH in his welcome address, welcomed all the dignitaries on the dice and briefed about BIMTECH CSR activities including Project Chiraiya, started 3 years ago for the empowerment of Girls from Village Neemka, setting up of Libraries in rural areas and various jails of UP and the Digital Literacy Lab on wheels facilitating digital literacy at the doorstep of the beneficiaries. Sh Alok Tandon, IAS, in his inaugural address appreciated the efforts put in and hoped that this initiative will provide much needed opportunity to the target beneficiaries. He also emphasized that if this pilot project is successful at Parichowk, NMRC will ensure that more such projects will be started at various Metro stations of Noida. Mr P D Upadhyay, Executive Director, NMRC told the auidence that how the proposal of the project reached and how Mr Tandon gave him the task to implement this project. He further eloberated that how NMRC alloted this land to BIMTECH. Sh Sangram Chowdhary, MD Mother Dairy appreciated the efforts of the team of BVK and he was very happy to see this integrated project. He is also proposed that Mother Dairy will support BIMTECH in implementing this kind of projects in future.

Dr R C Gaur, Director (Lib&Inf) and Head-Kalanidhi Division, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts complemented BIMTECH foundation and RSSWLD for initiating this kind of unique project for providing education and library services to those why are actually deprived of this kind of services. The programme was also attended by Sh Manoj Bajpai, GM (Tech), NMRC; Sh Vivek Prakash, Head CSR Jubilant Life Sciences; Dr Arun Veer Singh, IAS; Sh Aditya Ghildyal; Dr Anil Singh, Deputy Director, Competition Commission of India; Dr Saurabh Shukla, Parliament of India; Pramod Veer, IFS. A large number of project beneficiaries and their family member were present. The programme was attended by students, staff and faculty members of BIMTECH.
August Month Report