Welcome to Ranganathan Society for Social Welfare and Library Development
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RSSWLD has completed a glorified journey of Ten years and in these ten year it has achieved many targets.

BIMTECH Vidya Kendra - Pari Chowk
This project is first of its kind in India which was conceived with an objective to achieve inclusive and quality education for all.
Recent Campaigns
Some of our recent campaigns to provide quality education, empower girls who are on the margins of society, provide the highest quality user-oriented public library service to all.
Protsahan Chiraiya
Project “Protsahan Chiraiya” took this name as it was conceived to empower the girls who are on the margins of Indian society and to give them wings to fly.
Library Establishment
The library aims to provide the highest quality user-oriented public library service especially to those people who are poor and can’t afford to buy books.
Project Chiraiya Protsahan
Overall development of 480 girls in life skill education and basic English education
Establishment of Libraries
Established libraries in 12 Jails, 10 villages and one Temple
Training of LIS Professional
Provided training to about 30000 LIS Professionals in emerging trends in the field
Digital Literacy
Trained about 1000 students in basic computer litearcy
BIMTECH Vidhya Kendra
Provided Basic literacy and adult literacy to about 300 students of rural areas